New Library World: Volume 91 Issue 5
Table of contents
The Workforce – Research and Reality
Sandra VogelDetails a Library Association one‐day workshop aimed to raise amonglibrarians and to encourage senior managers of and information servicesto devise appropriate strategies coping…
Ruth Kerns, Terry Hanstock, Allan Bunch, Edwin FlemingNational issues included: (1) a resolution from the Intellectual Freedom Committee calling on the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to expunge the files maintained on their…
Wilfred Ashworth, Ian PettmanStaff training is an important function in many libraries because it can increase staff competence, effectiveness and morale. For a variety of reasons, including government…
Wilfred AshworthTalking Newspaper Enterprises Ltd of Unit 3, Station Road Industrial Estate, Heathfield, East Sussex TN21 8DB (04352–5422) offers public libraries an important new service of…