New Library World: Volume 91 Issue 11
Table of contents
Wilfred AshworthMicroinfo Ltd, PO Box 3, Omega Park, Alton, Hampshire GU34 2PG, announces a new compact disc which greatly facilitates access to the Bible and related theological studies. The…
Joan Bird, Anna L. BenningWordPerfect is a leading word processing package and offers a range of features useful in the library context. As well as standard word processing operations, it has excellent…
Mike Cornford, Ruth Kerns, Terry Hanstock, Edwin Fleming, Allan Bunch, Tony JosephWith its traditional good timing and aplomb the Library Association will ensure that next year's subscription demands arrive with this year's Christmas cards. As I gently spar…
IFLA in Stockholm
Eva JohnsonReports on the International Federation of Library Associations1990 conference. Topics include the new core programme for theadvancement of librarianship in the third World and…