New Library World: Volume 91 Issue 10
Table of contents
Wilfred AshworthWhen the British Library moves to its new building at St Pancras it will be able to improve accessibility to most of the national reference collections for all who have need. The…
Wilfred Ashworth, Ian PettmanThis is a most important study of an essentially modern situation. The first part, “Getting in Print”, introduces the way short‐run publications can be produced without…
Are there Crocodiles on the Horizon?
Ann IrvingSuggests that librarians in schools cannot be responsive toimmediate news and events if they develop mainly book collections.Argues that online services are as important in…
David F. Cheshire, Tony Joseph, Sue Lacey Bryant, Edwin Fleming, Allan BunchEven though many libraries now have sales counters where postcards (usually reproductions of old views) and some local histories (usually published by the library itself — like…