New Library World: Volume 86 Issue 3
Table of contents
Taxing questions
Taxes inevitably express, however crudely, some system of social values or order of priorities. Our reaction to the possibility of a tax on books springs from our gut feeling that…
Finding your feet and keeping your balance
DAVID COLEMAN, CLIVE BINGLEY, JFW BRYON, WA MUNFORD, LIZ BOWMANThe coming year will see many enthusiastic librarianship graduates emerging from colleges and universities up and down the country and taking their first professional posts…
I.T. & all that
MILDA MALAKUNAS, TERRY HANSTOCK, SHEILA CORRALL, ALLAN BUNCH, EDWIN FLEMING, WILFRED ASHWORTHSmall micros, big programs The increasing power of micros has meant that programs once thought the province of big science only are now edging toward the grasp of the humble one…