New Library World: Volume 81 Issue 4
Table of contents
David Reid, Roman Iwaschkin, Graham BarnettONE OF the most valuable but neglected aspects of local history librarianship is the study of thesis literature. The dictionary definition of thesis in unenlightening: ‘A…
Clive Bingley, Edwin Fleming, Sarah LawsonI WAS lunching recently with a friend who reckons he has about ten more years to go in libraries before retirement, and he raised an interesting question. Given the realisation…
User satisfaction
George McMurdoUSER STUDIES proliferate in the literature of librarianship and information science. As early as 1967 one bibliography of library use studies contained 547 references. The…
Abraham's follies
Robert ShallowHOW grateful a cabaret comic must feel when, convinced that he's flogging a horse that is not only dead but is actually being consumed by the fat heads bent over brim‐full plates…