New Library World: Volume 79 Issue 10
Table of contents
Raymond Moss, Ernie Redmond, Tony Preston, Alan Day, Norman KelbrickTHERE ARE few controversies which have dragged on so long as ‘Public Lending Right’ (PLR). Originally put forward in 1951 as ‘Brophy's penny’ the controversy has raged ever since…
Clive Bingley, Sarah Lawson, Edwin FlemingWENT TO Brittany in July for a week's holiday with my dear wife, and found it agreeaby empty of both tourists and the flood of crude oil which had enveloped the coast a few months…
A just so‐so story
Robert ShallowONCE UPON A time, there were three Younger‐Elders of the Britgild. Their names were Nor, Little friend of All; Llib Thims (afterwards known as Llib of the Thousand Bookshops);…