New Library World: Volume 76 Issue 4
Table of contents
GEORGE JEFFERSON, KA STOCKHAM, INIGO SMART, DON REVILL, BERNARD I PALMER, WA MUNFORDCOMPARATIVE STUDIES, whatever the subject, can bring enlightenment and new thoughts on old ideas. To investigate, and to find from written evidence, different approaches to…
Word or image?
DAVID GERARDIT WAS GOOD to see Fiction and the reading public (Q D Leavis) mentioned in NLW (F T Bell: ‘Conversation in a train’, October 1974), an indication of this journal's panoptic…
People and events
CHESHIRE County Libraries has been running a ‘dial‐a‐story’ service for the last year, enabling children to listen to a selection of 5‐minute stories recounted by library staff…
Industrial library news
ALAN ARMSTRONGLAST MONTH the Industrial Library Group held a one day conference on ‘Book and journal acquisition’. The result was an informative insight into the real problems of bookselling…
The game of the name
ROBERT SHALLOWWe had a bottle of port for dinner, and drank dear Willie's health. He said, ‘Oh, by the by, did I tell you I've cut my first name William, and taken the second name Lupin? In…