New Library World: Volume 75 Issue 4
Table of contents
Off the cuff
LIBRARIANS are trained to be helpful, but not to be mugs, so why do they submit so meekly to unreasonable demands? A school teacher in Wigan, Warwick or Wareham gives his pupils…
NORMAN WILTSHIRE, IRENE KINGSTON, JOCK MURISON, JAMES G OLLÉTHE BOUNDARIES have been set now and re‐organisation has come upon the public library world at its set date, approaching, occurring and passing on, like a lunar eclipse.
People and events
DR DONALD URQUHART, Director‐General of the British Library Lending Division, is to receive an honorary doctorate of science from the University of Sheffield on July 20. In a…
Industrial library news
ALAN ARMSTRONGAdvance notice of Aslib's 50th anniversary conference in Cambridge this September outlines four main sessions on these topics: Publication today and tomorrow—national and…
The diary of Digby Slingsby, author
ROBERT SHALLOWMONDAY. Hateful morning. Wife made a hell of a racket getting the kids off to school and herself off to work. Spite. Impossible to get to sleep again, so just dozed for a while…