New Library World: Volume 74 Issue 2
Table of contents
ECG HUNT, DONALD WRIGHT, JON ELLIOTT, FREDERICK HALLWORTH, RADHA NADARAJAH, JJ WATERMAN, GODFREY THOMPSONAPPROVAL of a plan for a new Birmingham Central Library was given by the City Council on July 26 1938. One world war and heaven knows how many financial stringencies later, on…
Off the cuff
SOME explanation is surely warranted of the curious circumstances surrounding the appointment of a successor to A H Watkins, on his retirement as Borough Librarian of Bromley.
Finland the good
DONALD DAVINSONBOTH before setting out and since returning from a British Council‐sponsored specialist tour of Finland to look at libraries and library schools and give a series of lectures…
People and events
THE proposed new central library for Portsmouth, for which the foundation stone was laid by the Lord Mayor at the beginning of December, looks from its plans to be a satisfying…
Industrial library news
ALAN ARMSTRONGA £350,000 duplication! This is what public librarians recently have been calling the DTI'S opening in April of ten regional information centres for small firms in industry. The…
The Willie Worst controversy
ROBERT SHALLOWTHERE'S ONLY one topic for 1973. In the pubs and in the papers. On the telly and in the train. Bus queues are buzzing with it. Launderettes are loud with it. From Curzon Street to…