New Library World: Volume 73 Issue 3
Table of contents
GODFREY THOMPSON, JACK DOVE, P LAYZELL WARD, DONALD DAVINSON, HAROLD SMITH, PHILIP HEPWORTH, NORMAN TOMLINSON, FRANK ATKINSON, HELMUT RÖTZSCH, BOB USHERWOODPUBLIC LIBRARIANS outside London watch with attention/pleasure/alarm the results of governmental thinking on the re‐organisation of local government. Londoners will be more…
Towards a re‐interpretation of public library purpose
KH JONESIT IS A COMMONPLACE that there has been, since the second world war, a massive increase in the use of public libraries in Britain. This has been supported by substantial increases…
The knives are being unsheathed, and sharpened no doubt, as the many, often antagonistic, lobbies in local government, rally in town and county hall for the skirmishes ahead. Now…
The polytechnic library explosion
KGE HARRISABOUT TEN YEARS ago were born a number of colleges of advanced technology, based on technical colleges of the highest quality and intended to begin a revolution in higher…
People and events
THE PUBLIC LIBRARIES CONFERENCE in Blackpool will be opened on 7 September by the President of the Library Association Dr George Chandler, who will also award three honorary…
Written any good books lately?
MICHAEL PEARCEIt had happened again! There I was emerging from a class vowing that I would think of some way of making things easier for myself next year, instead of creating the usual annual…