New Library World: Volume 73 Issue 14
Table of contents
JON ELLIOTT, AB CRAVEN, BERNARD HOUGHTON, GLYN ROWLAND, J GRAHAM FISHER, C JOHNSON, AUDREY HALL, ALAN DAY, DONALD DAVINSON, FRANK ATKINSONIN YOUR rather emotional outburst on PLR (NLW 865) you made some serious errors of fact. PLR is not directed solely against public libraries. Section 5.12 of the Working Party…
People and events
THE London Borough of Havering is running three competitions as part of its contribution to National Book Week—for tapes and tape/slides, ‘Design for the future’, and for a short…
Death of a craftsman
JR McKENZIEIn over 40 years of professional writing, first as a playwright, then as a historian, broadcaster, and more recently for his now world‐famous sagas of English country life, Ronnie…