New Library World: Volume 102 Issue 3
Table of contents
Library to library: global pairing for mutual benefit
Sarah LongSarah Long’s Sister Library Program began as an initiative of her American Library Association Presidency and continues as a project of the American Library Association’s…
Selling the wow: Albert R. Mann Library’s virtual tour
James Morris‐KnowerCan the Internet be an effective component of an endowment campaign? Cornell University’s Albert R. Mann Library decided to find out when it launched a virtual tour of the library…
Policy implementation models: the case of library and documentation services in Pakistan, 1998‐2008
Hafiz M. KhalidThe formation and implementation of policies are different issues in theoretical and practical terms. Implementation is more complicated, being concerned with political…
NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol (NISO Z39.83): a standard in trial
Pat StevensNISO (The National Information Standards Organization) has recently released the NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol (NISO Z39.83) as a Draft Standard for Trial Use. This…