New Library World: Volume 101 Issue 5
Table of contents
Hybrid solutions to information publishing in the World Office era
Paddy FallsDiscusses the disadvantages of CD‐ROMs and the Web from the perspective of professional information distributors and proposes an alternative solution. CD‐ROMs cannot easily be…
The OhioLINK approach: records and holdings for print and electronic serials in the OhioLINK central catalog
Anne GillilandSince 1992, when OhioLINK’s central catalog was first implemented, the consortium’s union listing and serials holdings activities have shifted from an emphasis on print holdings…
The future of the library: a view from Mexico
Estela MoralesAn article consisting of a series of reflections concerning the new elements that constitute libraries and presenting the characteristic terminology for the future. What will…
Why should public libraries use electronic data interchange?
Lindsey MuirThis article demonstrates the savings that could be made by UK public libraries through the use of electronic data interchange (EDI). The findings stem from a one‐year research…