Retail and Distribution Management: Volume 15 Issue 4

Table of contents

Shops within shops: The consumer viewpoint: More control by store groups expected

Peter J McGoldrick

For some years now the technique of setting up “concessions” or shops within shops has been familiar in department stores. But with the closing of Bournes in London's Oxford…


Cashless shopping: The boom in credit

Steve Worthington

Credit cards are in the news again. In 1986 there was a rise of 14% in the amount of outstanding consumer credit, more than three times the rise in prices and double the rise in…


Retailers' attitudes to EFTPoS

Edward McFadyen

The Connect card may be seen as a transitional stage towards EFTPoS, about which there has been a great deal of controversy over the past few years. The current situation is that…


A “strategic” alliance: Nixdorf and Montgomery Ward

Peter Newman

In the early 1980s Montgomery Ward, one of the most renowned names in American retailing, was showing large losses. Its historic emphasis on mail order had long since failed and…


Your customers are not altogether happy

Stephen W Rainbow

Students from the Plymouth Business School carried out research into what consumers felt about standards of customer service and care during the academic year 1985/86. Results…


A High Street multiple chooses an EPoS system: Rumbelows rapidly shows benefits

Rumbelows, high street electrical multiple, have spent most of the last five years looking for a reliable EPoS system — a search which they describe as an “enormous paperchase”…




Online date, start – end:

1973 – 1989

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Emerald Publishing Limited