Table of contents
The Legacy of Communism: Poisoned Minds and Souls
Elisabeth Tamedly LenchesDiscusses the communist system, based on an èlite Partyand the privileged nomenklatura which executes its orders. Anubiquitous secret police, whose tentacles reach into the most…
Requiem for Communism: The Case of Hungary
Lewis E. Hill, István MagasAttempts to specify and to explicate some of the most importantreasons for the failure of communism or state socialism. Analyses thegeneral case of Eastern Europe, then applies…
Justice, Solidarity, Subsidiarity: The Demise of East German Communism
Siegfried G. KarstenSees East Germany as an important case study of an ideologicallydogmatic bureaucracy which ignored people′s deep‐seated ethical normsand values. The principles of solidarity…
Soviet Socialism: The Era of War Communism
Abu F. DowlahThe Soviet experiment on socialism provides several distinguishablepolitico‐economic models. Employing dialectical methodology, examinesthe political economy of War Communism…
Economics and Culture: Lenin's Troubles with Nationalism
Leslie ArmourLenin argued that nationalism should be supported againstcolonialism, though ultimately subordinated to the interests of theworking class. He admitted there were linguistic and…
What Went Wrong with Communism?
Y.S. BrennerMarx expected the socialist revolution to take place in a highlyindustrialized society. In his theory the creation of the industrialsociety was the “historical task” of…
Communism: Lenin's High Efficiency Dream and a Miniature in China
Zhang WenxianThe international Communist movement is experiencing greatturbulence. Some Western media state with certainty that Lenin′s dreamhas come to an end, but Chinese practice has proved…
The Russian Church and Its Future
Daniel J. O'NeilExamines Russian Orthodoxy, focusing on its historical background,religious ethos, institutionalization and dogmatic affirmation.Evaluates the record of the Russian Church during…
The Making of an American Communist: William Z. Foster
L.A. O'DonnellAnalyses the career of William Zebulon Foster, a leader of theAmerican Communist Party, and a three‐time candidate for President ofthe United States under that party′s banner…
The Future of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics: A Confucian View
Li‐teh SunA Soviet type of “shock therapy” is not likely to takeplace in China since a gradual economic reform has already improved theoverall economic conditions. Argues that, for further…
N.W. Mordvinov (1754–1845): Father of Economic Freedoms in Russia?
Glen AlexandrinGives an account of Count N.S. Mordvinov (1754‐1845) who was aMinister of Economics, an economist and a scholar of Adam Smith′seconomics who effectively politicized Smithian…
Solzhenitsyn's Challenge to Russia and the West
John P. WillertonOperating out of a Slavophile tradition, Aleksandr Solzhenitsynoffers a critique of both Soviet and Western societies that iscomprehensive and damning. A review of his writings…
Vladimir Soloviev: Prophet of Modernity
Daniel J. O'NeilExplores the relevance of the nineteenth century RussianChristian‐mystical philosopher, Vladimir Soloviev, to the contemporaryworld. Demonstrates that his thought proved a…
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- Professor Terence Garrett