The Future of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics: A Confucian View
A Soviet type of “shock therapy” is not likely to take place in China since a gradual economic reform has already improved the overall economic conditions. Argues that, for further economic development, however, the Chinese communists must recognize two basic facts: (1) Chinese communism has already fulfilled its historical mission by expelling foreign imperialism and domestic feudalism; (2) Marxism and Leninism are of foreign origin. This recognition is able to pave the way for a final adoption of the Taiwanese model of economic development, which is based on the ideas developed by Sun Yat‐Sen, who had never stopped to insist that modernization should not abandon the Chinese tradition, especially Confucianism.
Sun, L. (1993), "The Future of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics: A Confucian View", International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 20 No. 5/6/7, pp. 153-170.
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