Journal of Management in Medicine: Volume 9 Issue 4
Table of contents
Can the hospices survive the market?: A financial analysis of palliative care provision in Scotland
Margaret T.R. SimsHospices are undergoing changes in the way they are funded byhealth boards as a result of the change to a contract‐setting regime inthe NHS. This may have implications for the…
Citizens′ views on health care
Michael CalnanConsiders the importance and relevance of taking into account theviews of the public in the provision of health care. Identifies thesalient questions and explores some of the…
A generalizable framework for information systems for physician recruitment/referral
Suresh S. PrabhuHospital information systems have evolved from data processingsystems for patient billing and payroll to decision‐support systemswhich support decision making at the middle and…
Who should lead in the NHS?
Olusola O.A. OniUntil recently, health care was regarded in the UK as somethingexceptional, and distinct from the world of business. In the last fewyears, the vocabulary of the health market has…
Developing an information system to support the pursuit of decentralization: the perspective of Ceara State in Brazil
Joao Ausse, Mayeh A. Omar, Silvia Mamede, Marinila Calderaro Munguba Mecedo, Augusto Pinto, Jocileide Sales CamposDiscusses the national health information system in Brazil which,until very recently, consisted of two main structures of health serviceswith a dichotomy between curative and…
Doctors in management or the revenge of the conquered: The role of management development for doctors
David AllenTakes a historical perspective on the role of doctors inmanagement, using this approach as a way of describing the currentsituation and the problems inherent in doctors as…
Accessibility of sexual health services for young people: survey of clinics in a region
Gabriel Scally, Alison HadleyDescribes the approach and results of a regional survey to assessthe accessibility of sexual health services for young people in thesouth‐east Thames region. Outlines the…
Care frames: interactive units of health‐care delivery
Patricia A. Lyne, Susan M. WilliamsDescribes a way of characterizing the progress of a patient intoand out of acute care. Presents a model of the process which resultedfrom a study of the interface between tertiary…