Journal of Management in Medicine: Volume 8 Issue 2
Table of contents
Specifying Quality in Health Care
Adrian BullQuality should be a central issue in the commissioning and provision ofhealth care. This requires a systematic approach to defining andmonitoring quality. Such an approach should…
Knowledge into Practice: What′s the Problem?
Stephen HarrisonIt is now widely accepted that there is a problem in putting researchfindings into routine clinical practice. Approaches the topic byidentifying the conditions which would have to…
Contracting for Services and Limits to Managed Competition
David BrookfieldThe introduction of market forces into the NHS has led to an operationaldivorce between health care providers and those who need health‐care.Central to this change has been the…
Business Planning: Can the Health Service Move from Strategy into Action?
Anthony R. BennettAdvances the case for the use of one particular business planningtechnique within a National Health Service Trust. At the present time,NHS trusts are required to write strategic…
Fundholding in Northern Region: Practice Managers′ Views
John Newton, John RobinsonDescribes the views of practice managers in 30 fundholding practices inthe Northern Region concerning their role in the scheme. Aself‐completion questionnaire was mailed to…
The Market and Health Sector Reform
Charles Collins, David J. Hunter, Andrew GreenA new international orthodoxy has developed on health sector reform. Thedominant theme of the orthodoxy is the alleged benefits of market stylereforms for health development. This…
Towards Better Practice Management: A National Survey of Scottish General Practice Management
Jeremy Grimshaw, Hermione YoungsSurveys a 50 per cent sample of Scottish practices (stratified by healthboard area), concerning whether they had a practice manager and who hadresponsibility for practice…
Assessment of the Structures and Functions of Fife Core Dementia Teams
Donald Ramsay, Donald R. CoidA research partnership was formed between Fife Regional Council′s SocialWork Department, Fife Health Board and the Dementia Services DevelopmentCentre and Social Work Research…