Journal of Management in Medicine: Volume 7 Issue 4
Table of contents
The Internal Market of the National Health Service: Some Early Observations from the Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne
B.M. Craven, C.J. SmithDeals first, with the theoretical framework within which theInternal Market (NHSIM) is expected to operate and the particularproblems which occur when a service is provided to a…
The Employment of Civilian Dentists in the Israel Defence Forces: A Public‐Private Mix Case Study
Rachela Levy, Michael Wiener, Bruce Rosen, Benjamin GabbayDocuments how the Dental Service of the Israel Defence Forces (IDF)successfully implemented private sector approaches to reimbursement andstaffing in a special project designed to…
How Do Clinicians Decide to Discharge Someone from Their Out‐patient Clinic?
F.M. SullivanThe objective of this study was to describe the informationrequirements and beliefs of hospital doctors working in out‐patientdepartments at the point where a decision to…
Health Gain: From Rhetoric to Reality
Julie Hotchkiss, Paul Watson, Leslie BoydellThe concept of health gain is increasingly being used as aphilosophical basis for the activities of health authorities, followingthe 1991 NHS reforms. A series of three…
Consultant Attitudes on the Impact of Computers: Users Compared with Non‐Users
Stephen Munday, David W. YoungThe attitudes of doctors towards Computer‐Based Information Systems(CBIS) are crucial to the successful implementation of medical audit,resource management and clinical protocols…
General Practitioners′ Views about Health Care Quality
Brenda Leese, Paul Kind, Ian Cameron, Jennie CarpenterA postal questionnaire was successfully used to determine generalpractitioner views about the quality of the health care servicesavailable to their patients. In the case of…
Researching the Doctor Manager – Choosing Valid Methodologies
Annabelle MarkIn a recent research study of the effects of management trainingfor doctors working in the UK National Health Service, it has becomeapparent that identifying the transition from…
The Future of Waiting Lists
Penelope M. MullenWaiting lists have been a cause of concern since the inception ofthe NHS. Many theories have been put forward to explain their existenceand there have been many proposals to…