Journal of Management in Medicine: Volume 6 Issue 4
Table of contents
Evaluating Mergers as a Strategic Option: The Case of Hospitals
Peng S. Chan, Gay WaylandDuring the 1980s, hospital merger activity was growing steadily dueto fundamental changes in the provision of health care. Recently,however, the US Government has escalated its…
Management Information for Primary Care Prescribing
Brian Frost, John SillinceAppraises existing management information for primary careprescribing within the NHS. Examines the two most important managementproblems facing primary care prescribing: budegtary…
Perceptions of Quality: The Rural Dimension
Ian S. WattRural populations have traditionally received less attention inBritain than their urban counterparts, and little research into theirproblems has been undertaken. Identifies and…
HIV/AIDS: Some Organizational and Managerial Issues
Chris BennettDiscusses factors emerging from research into the management andorganizational processes involved in developing services for HIV/AIDSwhich affected the speed and character of the…
The Role of the Clinical Director in the NHS: Some Observations
Stephen G. WillcocksBriefly examines the role of the clinical director in the NHS.Utilizes the research of Gabarro on the process of “takingcharge” in a new managerial role and applies this…
Survey of NHS Staff Health‐related Behaviours
J.P. Walsworth‐Bell, T. Theaker, Z. AmirReports a postal survey of NHS staff in six Districts in the NorthWestern Region. There were 3,525 replies, from staff in five mainoccupational groups, with clear social gradients…
Operational Research: A Role in Strengthening Community Participation?
Colin ThunhurstConsiders the potential use of operational research forstrengthening community participation – terms that have formerlybeen employed ambiguously or with a variety of meanings…