Journal of Management in Medicine: Volume 5 Issue 1
Table of contents
Self‐governance and Cultural Change in NHS Hospitals
Janice L. Dreachslin, Marjorie Zernott, Len Fenwick, Peter Wright, Bernard CanningFundamental hospital management reforms, enacted in 1990, focus oncompetition for National Health Service (NHS) contracts between publicand private hospitals and the option of…
Internal Markets: Are They Really the Panacea for Health Care Provision? An Antipodean View
Ian YoungDisquiet has been expressed in a number of countries regarding thecost of health care provision. The UK and New Zealand have extensivelyreviewed funding mechanisms including the…
Leadership Skills Applied to Market Research for Health Care
Virginia HaydenMarket research is now being conducted by managers and health careprofessionals within the NHS. Very little of this research to date hasbeen qualitative, although qualitative…
Managers and New Technology: Plus ça Change?
Robert RoyceThe impact of Information Technology on the management of theNational Health Service is reviewed and the view put forward that: (1)current training programmes are inadequate; (2…
Trial and Audit: A Confusion of Aims and Method
Adrian BullClinical audit is the analysis of whether a predetermined standardof care is achieved over a given period of time. Evaluation of methodsof care is an analysis of the benefits that…
Shaping Doctors to Organisations or Organisations to Doctors?
Bob DeardenThe issue of doctors in management in the NHS is discussed and amodel showing how these two key groups can work together mosteffectively and deal with potential conflict is…
Medical Education and Research after the Health Service Reforms
Richard LilfordThe issue of medical education and SIFTR (Special Incentive forTeaching and Research) within the framework of the internal market andthe purchaser/ provider separation is…
Making the Best Use of Nursing Skills: Managers and Clinicians in Partnership
Jane SalvageThe issue of workforce planning in nursing is explored. The problemof nurse shortages and how this might be met are addressed. The conceptof skill mix in nursing is discussed and…