Journal of Management in Medicine: Volume 16 Issue 2/3
Table of contents
ERP implementation in rural health care
Kenneth J. Trimmer, Lela D. “Kitty” Pumphrey, Carla WigginsEnterprise resource planning (ERP) systems provide organizations with the opportunity to integrate individual, functionally‐oriented information systems. Although much of the…
Enhancing clinical and management discourse in ICT implementation
Teresa Waring, David WainwrightModern NHS organisations are seen to be increasingly reliant, in terms of achieving improvements and service targets, on the efficient provision of information to enable clinical…
The deferrable elective patient: A means of reducing waiting‐lists in orthopaedics
John Bowers, Gillian MouldThe orthopaedic trauma session is almost universally adopted as a means of coping with non‐elective orthopaedic demand. Here patients who can be stabilised are treated in a…
Management demands on information and communication technology in process‐oriented health‐care organizations: The importance of understanding managers’ expectations during early phases of systems design
Anna Andersson, Vivian Vimarlund, Toomas TimpkaThere are numerous challenges to overcome before information and communication technology (ICT) can achieve its full potential in process‐oriented health‐care organizations. One…
A proposed approach for modelling health‐care systems for understanding
Tillal Eldabi, Zahir Irani, Ray J. PaulDiscrete event simulation (DES) application is not as widely perceived as being useful for problem solving in the health‐care arena as in other application areas. Suggests that…
Clinical ICT systems: augmenting case management
Lynne P. Baldwin, Malcolm Clarke, Russell JonesIn order to improve the diagnosis and subsequent care given to patients, health‐care workers involved in the management of their care, as well as the treatment itself, are…
Evaluation of the impact of a PACS system on an intensive care unit
Benita Cox, Nina DaweDescribes part of a wider evaluation exercise undertaken to assess the impact of the introduction of a picture‐archiving and communication system (PACS) on the adult intensive…
Implementation of intelligent decision support systems in health care
A.E. Smith, C.D. Nugent, S.I. McCleanThe full implementation of any intelligent system in health care, which is designed for decision support, has several stages, from initial problem identification through…
Using geographical information systems for management of back‐pain data
G. Ghinea, D. Gill, A. Frank, L.H. de SouzaIn the medical world, statistical visualisation has largely been confined to the realm of relatively simple geographical applications. This remains the case, even though hospitals…
Managing managed care: the enabling role of IS/IT
Nilmini Wickramasinghe, Roberta LambIn their conceptualization of the principal/agent relationship, Jensen and Meckling were not referring to a knowledge worker (KW) agent. Agency theory is extended to the context…