Journal of Management in Medicine: Volume 13 Issue 1
Table of contents
The information requirements of total purchasing projects: Implications for primary care groups
Brenda Leese, Ann MahonTo successfully purchase, commission and manage health services at the primary care level requires accurate, reliable, up‐to‐date and appropriate information for use by trusts…
Speech and language therapy caseloads in seven districts in the UK
Anna van der Gaag, Philip McLoone, Dot ReidThis paper provides managers and clinicians with an analysis of routine data collected by seven speech and language therapy services in the UK. Managers in seven districts in the…
Integrated workforce planning: The acid test for the education commissioning consortia?
John EdmonstoneThe education commissioning system established in the NHS in England in the mid‐1990s is facing a series of reviews. A major challenge which it faces is how integrated workforce…
Working together to develop health services managers
Vivien MartinThe developing emphasis in health and social care on working across traditional boundaries will demand different approaches to staff development. If we are to retain the strengths…
Teamwork in health care: Lessons from the literature and from good practice around the world
Hadyn Ingram, Terry DesombreIt is becoming more difficult to provide health care that meets the needs of patients within tight budget constraints. This article suggests that one way forward is to channel the…