Journal of Managerial Psychology: Volume 34 Issue 8


Table of contents

Servant leadership and innovative behavior: a moderated mediation

Zhining Wang, Lijun Meng, Shaohan Cai

The purpose of this paper is to explore the cross-level effect of servant leadership on employee innovative behavior by studying the mediating role of thriving at work and the…


Coping with customer mistreatment: Joining job routinization and proactive personality

Haibo Wu, Xiaohui Wang, Peter Chen

Drawing on the transaction theory of stress, the purpose of this paper is to conceptualize customer mistreatment as a stressor and examine how job routinization and proactive…


Help or harm? The effects of ICTs usage on work–life balance

Xiaoyan Wang, Liangmou Gao, Zhong Lin

Leveraging boundary theory and person–environment fit theory, the purpose of this paper is to propose a model that illustrates the process by which nonwork-related information and…


How does abusive supervision restrict employees’ feedback-seeking behavior?

Chuangang Shen, Jing Yang, Peixu He, Yenchun Jim Wu

The purpose of this paper is to explore the restrictive effect of abusive supervision on employees’ feedback-seeking behavior (FSB) through organizational-based self-esteem (OBSE…


Why do employees speak up? Examining the roles of LMX, perceived risk and perceived leader power in predicting voice behavior

Jinyun Duan, Émilie Lapointe, Yue Xu, Sarah Brooks

The purpose of this paper is to understand better why employees voice. Drawing on social information processing theory and insights derived from the literature on power, the…


Co-worker social support and organisational identification: does ethnic self-identification matter?

Dennis G. Pepple, Eleanor M.M. Davies

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of socially supportive relationships between co-workers in fostering organisational identification (OID). Adopting a Social…

Coworker influence on employee performance: a conservation of resources perspective

Barjinder Singh, T.T. Selvarajan, Stephanie T. Solansky

Drawing on the conservation of resources theory, the purpose of this paper is to test a model of the influence of coworker-resources (coworker-support and coworker-exchange) on…

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  • Professor Carrie Bulger