Property Management: Volume 8 Issue 3


Table of contents

The impact of VAT on construction of commercial property

Robert J. Bennett

Examines the impact of the 1989 Finance Act, imposing VAT on theconstruction sector. Concludes that there will be major discouragementto many development projects. Concludes that…

Building management systems

R.G. Brown

Quotes definition of a building and energy management system(BEMS). Describes current (1990) technology. Explains the advantagesover conventional controls. Offers some pointers…

Freehold flats/commonholds: a view of the future?

R. Aitken‐Sykes

Explains the 1987 Report by the Law Commission on combinedownership of land and blocks of flats. Concludes that the Reportaddresses current (1993) unfair situations. Urges that…

The 1987 use classes order

Nicholas Taylor

Looks at the response of local authorities to the 1987 Town &Country Planning Use Classes Order. Reviews the response of theDepartment of the Environment (DoE) to planning…

Mutual recognition of professional qualifications: some institutional implications

Frances Plimmer, Stuart Gronow

Examines the provisions of the Directive from the EuropeanCommunity to allow professionally qualified individuals to practiseanywhere in the Union, from the perspective of the…

Maintenance of joint sealants and glazing systems

Stephen Barratt

Comments on the use of mastics and sealants in buildingconstruction. Speculates that there were unrealistic claims made aboutthe products. Discusses cause and effect of seal…

Service charges – who needs them?

Michael Wyldbore‐Smith

Gives a guide to service charges. Reviews their shortcomings.Concludes that they are of more benefit to tenants and landlords thanthe alternatives.

An introduction to business rates

Ian Gatenby, Carol Hooper

Discusses the implications of the Local Government Finance Act 1988as amended by the Local Government and Housing Act 1989. Explains therules regarding occupation, empty property…

Active investment management and the computer

Stephen G. Sykes

Explains how the computer can help investment managers. Categorizesthe principal uses as: valuation, investment analysis, developmentappraisal and estate management. Gives an…

Cover of Property Management







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  • Professor Graham Squires