Structural Survey: Volume 28 Issue 2

Table of contents

Building conservation philosophy for masonry repair: part 1 – “ethics”

Alan M. Forster

The techniques available for the repair of historic masonry structures are extremely wide ranging. The advantages and disadvantages of each type of repair can be evaluated in…


Safety culture among subcontractors in the domestic housing construction industry

Phil Wadick

This paper aims to present an analysis of some aspects of a research project that explored attitudes to occupational health and safety (OHS) held by subcontractors in the domestic…


Modern methods of construction and RSL asset management: a quantitative study

Jim Kempton

The UK Housing Corporation announced that it expected a minimum of 25 per cent of registered social landlord (RSL) new build housing to use modern methods of construction (MMC)…


The role of the project manager: all things to all people?

James Sommerville, Nigel Craig, Julie Hendry

Writers over the years have sought to define the nature and roles of a project manager. The attempts at these definitions have been based on rather historic writings of what a…


Concrete with crushed, graded and washed recycled construction demolition waste as a coarse aggregate replacement

Alan Richardson, Pierre Allain, Maxime Veuille

A current trend is to use waste and by‐products in concrete to replace binders and aggregates. This trend reduces the impact on the environment and the use of finite natural…








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1983 – 2016

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Emerald Publishing Limited