Recent publications

Structural Survey

ISSN: 0263-080X

Article publication date: 1 June 2010



(2010), "Recent publications", Structural Survey, Vol. 28 No. 2.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2010, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Recent publications

Article Type: Recent publications From: Structural Survey, Volume 28, Issue 2

Improving the Energy Efficiency of Non-dwellings

This free government guide is intended to help building managers understand how The Energy Performance of Buildings (Certificates and Inspections) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007 SI 2007/991 and SI 2007/1669 work in practice, how to apply the Regulations, what their responsibilities are and when energy certificates are required. Non-dwellings are responsible for almost 20 per cent of the UK’s energy consumption and carbon emissions. Energy performance certificates (EPCs) promote the improvement of the energy performance of buildings and this guide describes the scope and requirements of the Regulations applying to non-dwellings. See

Planning and Access for Disabled People: Free Good Practice Guide

This free good practice guide, stemming from a recommendation of the Disability Rights Task Force, describes how all those involved in the building development process can play their part in delivering physical environments which can be used by everyone.

The guide explains the relevant legislation and policy frameworks, shows how local planning authorities can put in place appropriate planning policies and development control processes, and suggests ways in which these can be implemented and enforced effectively. It pinpoints the role of developers and occupiers and underlines the benefits in providing environments which are accessible and inclusive. See

Historic Churches: The Conservation and Repair of Ecclesiastical Buildings

Written by Andrew Edwards, this 16th edition discusses issues, building techniques and materials relevant to the conservation and repair of churches. It includes a directory of useful organisations, products and services. It is published by Tisbury: Cathedral Communications and is 56 pages long. ISBN: 9781900915529.

Sustainable Refurbishment of Non-traditional Housing and Pre-1920s Solid Wall Housing

BRE Information Paper (3/10) looks at ways in which the energy performance of non-traditional housing types such as No Fines and Cornish can be improved during refurbishment work through the use of a “whole house” approach. Written by Colin King, the ISBN number is 9781848061194.

Essential Guide to Dilapidations – online

Dilapidations are breaches of covenant to repair a building contained in a lease. This free guide explains all you need to know about dilapidations, including: recent changes in the law; market influences; The Disability Discrimination Act 1995; and relevant cases to a Section 18(1) valuation. See

Building Maintenance

Written by Brian Wood and published by Wiley-Blackwell this is a core text on the technical aspects of maintenance for building surveying and facilities management students and will also appeal to practitioners. It addresses the “who, what, where, when, how and why” of maintenance activities and shows that maintenance should be considered seriously at the design stage. Extensive case studies illustrate what can go wrong, how to put matters right and how to get it right first time, next time. Maintaining a building is expensive: it costs many times more to run a building over its lifetime than to build it, yet maintenance is often not accorded the priority it warrants. A poorly maintained building will be a drain on resources and will impair building use, whereas a well-maintained building will function smoothly and represent an appreciating asset to its owners. The ISBN is 978-1-4051-7967-6 for this 328 page paperback priced at £29.99.

Total Facilities Management, 3rd edition

Earlier editions of Total Facilities Management have been praised for the lucid presentation style and direct applicability of its contents. The third edition follows in that tradition, providing an accessible text bridging the gap between the theory of facilities management and its implementation. This book raises issues which all practitioners should consider before embarking on a particular plan, showing the link between facilities management practice and an organisation’s business objectives and dealing with issues known to concern practitioners. Building on the success and popularity of previous editions, the third edition adds new chapters on facilities planning, building intelligence, managing specialist services and information systems management, and provides a number of new, international case studies which will broaden its appeal to practitioners as well as to advanced students. Written by Brian Atkin and Adrian Brooks the ISBN is 978-1-4051-8659-9. The book is published by Wiley-Blackwell in paperback (328 pages) and priced at £39.99.

Fire and Resilience – free government guides

Fire safety law changed in October 2006 with the introduction of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. The requirement for businesses to have fire certificates has been abolished and any previously held are no longer valid. Instead the law emphasises preventing fires and reducing risk, makes it a responsibility to ensure the safety of everyone who uses premises and the immediate vicinity. A set of guides has been developed to explain how to comply with fire safety law, carry out a fire risk assessment and identify the general fire precautions needed. See

New ICE manual for construction materials

The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) has released the second of its acclaimed manuals series. Published by ICE’s commercial arm, Thomas Telford Ltd, the ICE Manual of Construction Materials is a comprehensive manual covering the full range of construction materials. Over 75 leading academic and industry figures from across the globe contributed to the manual which is edited by Mike Forde. It provides in-depth details of their properties and application in a civil and structural engineering context, referencing the most up-to-date standards governing their use in construction. For further information or to purchase the ICE Manual of Construction Materials (ISBN 978 07277 3597 3) go to It is priced at £245.00 for 2 volumes.

Practical H&S guide for surveyors visiting premises and sites: free article

Experience shows us that many employers are not fulfilling their duties to manage the risks their surveyors are facing when visiting premises and sites. It is important that inexperienced surveyors are made aware of the hazards and risks involved on construction sites, particularly if the site is not well managed. This guide containing practical advice is available at

Supervisors’ and Counsellors’ Guide to the APC

APC supervisors and counsellors have a challenging role, which directly influences the success of each candidate. This book has been written to help anyone working with an APC candidate to monitor their candidate’s progress, and to understand their own responsibilities at each stage. This guide follows the whole process, from choosing a candidate through to the final assessment and beyond. It includes timelines, checklists, model forms and guidance on how to meet (and record) the assessment requirements.

Written by Christina Hirst this 3rd edition is published by RICS Books (ISBN: 9781842194911) and priced at £29.95.

Refurbishment and Repair in Construction

Refurbishment and repair accounts for approximately 50 per cent of annual construction turnover. It is therefore essential that practitioners and those students who aspire to work in this sector are equipped with the best tools to do the job. This book has been produced to fill that gap in construction literature. The nature of refurbishment and repair is different from new build since it is necessary to work within the constraints of an existing situation. The structure may have been built to standards not recognised today. Guidance is provided to deal with such situations and how to assess the residual life of a refurbished or repaired building. This book proceeds logically through the reasons to consider refurbishment and repair and offers advice on risks, discovery, contracts, materials, learning from the past and legal restraints. Best practice is illustrated by a series of case studies. Extensive bibliographies have been provided to assist those with the need for further research. Written by David Doran, James Douglas and Richard Pratley the book is published by CRC Press (ISBN: 9781904445555) and priced at £65.00.

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