Structural Survey: Volume 9 Issue 2
Table of contents
Overcladding – the new panacea?
Hilary DaviesDiscusses the process of overcladding, assessing economic andsocial factors, and the various physical problems it can remedy.Explores the desirable features of overcladding…
The future of windows and cladding in the UK
D.A. ButtonOutlines the development of window and cladding technology in theUK, dealing with two current projects – Fenestration 2000 and TheCentre for Window and Cladding Technology at the…
Use of a co‐ordinate measuring system to assess the deflection pattern of the Mary Rose Dam, Portsmouth
W.F. Price, I.M. Ashworth MEngDetails research undertaken at Portsmouth Polytechnic where atheodolite intersection system was used to monitor deflections of areinforced concrete dam at the Mary Rose site in…
Surveying for sound – sound insulation and the Building Regulations
A.J. JonesOutlines the requirements and methods of assessment of soundinsulation in dwellings, as ordered by Part E of the BuildingRegulations 1985. Explores the origins of the performance…
Denis L. HenshawDiscusses the radioactive gas radon, outlining its structure andhow it enters the home. Explores methods of measuring the gas,highlighting research carried out at Bristol…
The repair and maintenance of brickwork
Michael HammettNotes some methods of restoring the soundness and good appearanceof brickwork. Discusses damage caused by frost, water penetration andsoluble salts. Outlines techniques of…
Improving surveying skills with computer‐aided learning tools – Part 1
S.L.J. MikaHighlights some of the difficulties associated with the process ofacquiring essential building surveying skills, and proposes the use ofcomputer technology together with…
A stormy lesson
Malcolm HollisDiscusses the storms and high winds of 1987 and 1990 which affectedmuch of the country, and asks why so much damage was caused to buildingswhen Building Regulations and Codes of…