Table of contents
The learning organization: New lessons/thinking for the management of change and management development?
Adrian CarrRaises the issue of metaphorical thinking in organization theory and management development and in doing so warns of the dangers of framing our thinking through metaphor. Raises…
Organizational learning as the creation of corporate competencies
Dexter Dunphy, Dennis Turner, Michael CrawfordThere has been a dramatic increase in interest in the learning organization. However there is confusion, among writers on the subject, about what a learning organization is and…
Business integration in a learning organization: the role of management development
Willem OvermeerExplores difficulties involved in business integration by providing data from an in‐depth scholarly consulting project. Focuses on the barriers that exist and emerge in the form…
Becoming a learning organization: the transformation of the workforce
Robert WalderseeThe actions of outstanding leaders who are introducing changes in their organizations are best viewed as complex mosaics which pervade most aspects of their management. Argues…
Leading for learning: organizational transformation and the formation of leaders
Peter GronnWith the recent emergence of organizational and systemic restructuring in Anglo‐American societies, leadership and the search for prospective leaders has taken on new…
Educating the gut: socio‐emotional aspects of the learning organization
Susan Long, John NewtonExamines the idea of learning in organizations with a particular focus on how organization members learn from experience, and how managers might foster a facilitating environment…
Organizational learning and the leadership skill of time travel
Thomas N. Gilmore, Gregory P. SheaThe turbulence enveloping so many organizations today makes it increasingly likely that learning from one’s experience may be both too slow and too embedded in rapidly obsolescing…
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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Associate Professor Magnus Larsson