The Tourist Review: Volume 54 Issue 1
Table of contents
La politique internationale du tourisme au tournant du millenaire
Peter KellerInternational integration in tourrism is increasing at a steady pace. This has meant a corresponding growth in the number of problems facing the community of nations. At the dawn…
Internationalisierung der hotellerie — unternehmerische barrieren; hemmnisse und chancen von klein‐ und mittelbetrieben
Mike Peters, Klaus WeiermairThe article deals with factors that act as an incentive to internationalisation of the hotels in the small‐to‐medium‐sized enterprises (SME) category in the traditional tourism…
Call‐center — lösungen im incoming tourismus: konzept, stand der umsetzung, erfolgsfaktoren
Thomas Bieger, P. Dreier, Th. Von RohrThe importance of comprehensive direct information and service in the services sector has increased con‐siderably in the past few years. Thanks not least to rapid developments in…
Enhancing competitiveness in the hospitality industry: Revisiting Porter's generic competitive strategies in Greece
Evangelos Christou, Ioannis KaramanidisThis paper attempts to examine the choices and practices concerning the formulation of marketing strategies of hospitality organisations in Greece, a traditional tourism…
Higher education in tourism: An entrepreneurial approach
Anton OgorelcThe intention of the article is to demonstrate the importance of entrepreneurial orientation within a higher education in tourism. A study of students' assessment of the tourism…
AIEST Congress Portoroz (Slovenia)
Future oriented tourism policy — a contribution on to the strategic development of places