The Tourist Review: Volume 42 Issue 1
Table of contents
World Tourism: An economic analysis
Socrates I. PapadopoulosAlthough interest in international trade is of long standing, economists and policy makers have seldom attempted to link international tourism with trade theory — despite the…
Teoria dei sistemi e marketing turistico
dr. Luciano MerloLe possibilità di studio e di ricerca offerte dalla scienza dei sistemi si vanno sempre più affermando, quanto più l'analisi delle interconnessioni e interazioni fra varie…
Zielsetzung, Strategie und Instrumente des Binnenmarketings in Fremdenverkehrsorten
Georg BleileDie Empfehlung an die Verantwortlichen in Fremdenverkehrsorten und ‐regionen, zur Abwendung weiterer Marktanteilsverluste ein innovatives Marketing zu betreiben, stösst häufig auf…
Parcs nationaux et tourisme en Europe
Gérard RichezParc National … Expression quasi magique pour certains car elle évoque la Nature; la “Nature perdue” presque partout. Depuis la création du premier d'entre eux en 1872 et…
A review of changes in the Caribbean tourist industry
Robert C. MingsWhereas avoidance of hostile northern winters via escaping to balmy tropical shores is a time‐honored pattern of tourist movement in Europe and North America, in the past twenty…