The Tourist Review: Volume 38 Issue 3
Table of contents
The concept of the geography of tourism
Patrick De GrooteThe expansion of tourism, especially marked since the 1960's, has impinged to a greater or lesser degree on everyone's life, even if only to the extent of being one in the crowd…
Impératifs de la demande touristique et réalités sociales de l'appareil commercial et de services
dr. Josette Mesplier‐PinetDans le cadre du thème des problèmes de l'impact social et humain du tourisme, il est possible en tant qu'économiste de mener plusieurs séries de réflexions que personnellement…
Szenario: Freizeit und Tourismus im Zeithorizont 2000–2010
Markus SchwaningerDieses Szenario befasst sich mit den wahrscheinli‐chen Entwicklungen von Freizeit und Tourismus in einem Zeithorizont von rund 20 Jahren. Es wird dabei vor allem auf die Situation…
National tourism in developing countries: Preconditions, problems, possibilities
Werner GierschThe development of tourism in developing countries has hitherto been based almost exclusively on foreign visitor tourism (incoming tourism) with its promise of foreign exchange…
Business cycle and tourism demand in Germany (FRG)
dr. Georg BleileScientific investigations into the influence of fluctuations in the economic cycle on tourism have revealed that demand in this sector is indeed dependent on such fluctuations 1)…