Assembly Automation: Volume 35 Issue 1


The international journal of assembly technology and management

Table of contents - Special Issue: Parts-feeding systems for assembly: organisation, logistics and automation

Guest Editors: Dr. Maurizio Faccio, Dr. Yuval Cohen

Kanban-driven parts feeding within a semi-automated O-shaped assembly line: a case study in the automotive industry

Matteo M. Savino, Antonio Mazza

The aim of the present work is to provide a case study where lean production (LP) techniques are implemented in a semi-automated assembly line with O-shaped (closed-loop) layout…


Re-balancing problem for assembly lines: new mathematical model and exact solution method

Fatme Makssoud, Olga Battaïa , Alexandre Dolgui, Khumbulani Mpofu, Olayinka Olabanji

The purpose of this study is to develop a new mathematical model and an exact solution method for an assembly line rebalancing problem. When an existing assembly line has to be…


A Changeover Time Reduction through an integration of lean practices: a case study from pharmaceutical sector

M. Bevilacqua, F.E. Ciarapica, I. De Sanctis, G. Mazzuto, C. Paciarotti

The purpose of this paper is to uncover the significance of quick changeovers in the packaging line of a pharmaceutical company. Using an integration of different lean practices…


Planning models for continuous supply of parts in assembly systems

Antonio C. Caputo, Pacifico M. Pelagagge, Paolo Salini

The purpose of this paper is to develop analytical planning models to compare just-in-time (JIT) delivery and line storage (LS) alternatives for a continuous supply of materials…


A decision model for kitting and line stocking with variable operator walking distances

Veronique Limère, Hendrik Van Landeghem, Marc Goetschalckx

The purpose of this paper is to propose a decision model to choose between kitting and line stocking at the level of single parts, while taking into account the variable operator…


Advances in assembly line parts feeding policies: a literature review

Huseyin Selcuk Kilic, Mehmet Bulent Durmusoglu

– The purpose of this paper is to present a literature review on parts feeding policies and to provide the components of parts feeding systems via a classification structure.


A model for kitting operations planning

Antonio C. Caputo, Pacifico M. Pelagagge, Paolo Salini

– The aim of this paper is to develop a detailed descriptive model for kitting operations, allowing resources sizing and computation of systems’ economic performances.


Robust optimization approach to production system with failure in rework and breakdown under uncertainty: evolutionary methods

Masoud Rabbani, Neda Manavizadeh, Niloofar Sadat Hosseini Aghozi

– This paper aims to consider a multi-site production planning problem with failure in rework and breakdown subject to demand uncertainty.


Re-layout of an assembly area: a case study at Bosch Rexroth Oil Control

Chengyao Ren, Carmine Barlotti, Yuval Cohen, Barbara Frangipane, Mario Garofalo, Giulio Cozzari, Corey Metz

The purpose of the paper is to highlight the considerations and lessons learned from a re-layout project in an assembly area for productivity improvement. The case study took…


A simple mechanical measurement system for the posture evaluation of wing components using the PSO and ICP algorithms

Hou Yukan, Li Yuan, Zhang Jie, Wen-Bin Tang, Jiang Shoushan

The purpose of this study is to present a new and relatively inexpensive method for posture evaluation of the positioning of the wing-body assembly. Positioning is an essential…


Implementation framework for a fully flexible assembly system (F-FAS)

Christian Finetto, Giulio Rosati, Maurizio Faccio, Aldo Rossi

This paper aims to provide a framework for the choice, design, set-up and management of a fully flexible assembly system (F-FAS). Many industrial applications for small batch…


A genetic algorithm for supermarket location problem

Mohammed Alnahhal, Bernd Noche

This purpose of this paper is to investigate the location problem of supermarkets, feeding by material the mixed model assembly lines using tow trains. It determines the number…


New Kanban model for tow-train feeding system design

Marco Bortolini, Emilio Ferrari, Mauro Gamberi, Riccardo Manzini, Alberto Regattieri

This paper aims to introduce, apply and validate, through a realistic case study, an analytical cost model to support the design of the tow-train feeding system for mixed-model…


Multi-manned assembly line balancing problem with balanced load density

Hamid Yilmaz, Mustafa Yilmaz

The purpose of this paper is balancing multi-manned assembly lines with load-balancing constraints in addition to conventional ones Most research works about the multi-manned…


Order batching and time efficiency in kit preparation

Robin Hanson, Lars Medbo, Mats I. Johansson

The purpose of this paper is to determine whether man-hour efficiency of picking is affected by the use of batch preparation, compared to preparation of one kit at a time. This…


Part-feeding with supermarket in assembly systems: transportation mode selection model and multi-scenario analysis

D. Battini, M. Gamberi, A. Persona, F. Sgarbossa

The paper aims to focus on in-house part logistics design and management for assembly systems in which supermarket storage is adopted and coupled with an automated transportation…








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1980 – 2022

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Emerald Publishing Limited


  • Prof Hong Qiao