Assembly Automation: Volume 18 Issue 2


The international journal of assembly technology and management

Table of contents

Automation requirement matching through TMC

Andrew Allum

Looks at problems experienced by manufacturers in matching their level of automation to local conditions. Particularly concentrates on the automotive manufacturing sector. Gives…


Invention machine ‐ a machine for making inventions?

Jack Hollingum

Looks at the history of invention machine or TRIZ (theory of inventive problem solving) as it is called in Russia. Briefly explains the theory of TRIZ. Discusses, in more detail…


Safety products must be safe

Jack Hollingum, Cheryl Stone

Automobile airbags are designed to provide protection for the driver, and frequently for passengers also. It is therefore crucial that their components are built to top safety…


NedCar’s “final assembly” line with automatic islands for four car types

Toshinori Nakahara, Arie Kikkert

Reports on the development of a partly automated final assembly line at NedCar, engineered with the main objectives being: four car types in one line in any combination; higher…


Land Rover uses Jack and Robcad to perfect production processes

Anna Kochan

Reviews the use of simulation tools for process design at Land Rover. Outlines new applications of Jack and Robcad tools to the development of the Freelander production process…


Automotive industry looks for lean production

Anna Kochan

Reviews new automotive assembly plants in Europe. Outlines the lean production techniques Daimler‐Benz is using for the new Mercedes A‐Class. Describes the flexible NedCar…


Automotive design and assembly system modelling research toolset at Rolls‐Royce Motor Cars Limited

Philip T. Ashton, Paul G. Ranky

The purpose of the research and development, validation and application of an advanced concurrent engineering research toolset, developed by the authors, at Rolls‐Royce Motor Cars…


Integral attachment using snap‐fit features: a key to assembly automation. Part 6 ‐ evaluating alternatives for design optimization

Suat Genc, Robert W. Messler, Gary A. Gabriele

Once alternative attachment concepts for a specific application have been generated, an evaluation tool needs to be used to select the “best” attachment concept based on given…








Online date, start – end:

1980 – 2022

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited


  • Prof Hong Qiao