International Journal of Manpower: Volume 13 Issue 4
An interdisciplinary journal on human resources, management & labour economicsTable of contents
SECTION 1: Human Resource Management
Strategic approach to human resource development, personnel management versus HR management, internal marketing of HRM.
SECTION 2: Career Planning & Recruitment
Personality testing, skills audits, encouraging staff into teaching, gender segregation in jobs, retraining non‐technical staff for IT posts, career growth models, sponsors for…
SECTION 3: Women/Dependant Care
Women into senior management, EC directives and child‐care provision, elder care as the HR problem of the 1990s, dual‐career couples and stress.
SECTION 4: Health & Safety
Supervisor training and staff education about AIDS, predicting accidents, substance abuse policies, stress at work.
SECTION 5: Education & Training
Towards a quality workforce, employment and training information consortia, Management Charter Initiative.
SECTION 6: Industrial Relations & Participation
Self‐governance in NHS hospitals, management empowerment, self‐directed teams, quality practices at Disneyland.
SECTION 7: Redundancy
Regrouping after downsizing, TQM in redundancy situation, breaking the bad news.
0143-7720Online date, start – end:
1980Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Adrian Ziderman