Table of contents
Best value in public libraries: the role of research
Barbara Chivers, Stella ThebridgePublic libraries, in common with other local government services, are obliged to obtain best value by striving for customer service of the highest quality and greatest efficiency…
Win‐win‐win: can the evaluation and promotion of electronic journals bring benefits to library suppliers, information professionals and users?
Linda AshcroftFocuses on the areas of promotion and evaluation, discussing findings of a recent Liverpool‐based study of electronic journals in academic libraries in the UK and North America…
Technological concerns for library managers
Mark StoverLibrary managers face a variety of questions and concerns related to information technology on a daily basis. These include the relative merits of interpersonal and communication…
Embracing inclusion: the critical role of the library
Briony Train, Pete Dalton, Judith ElkinSocial inclusion is high on the Government’s agenda but the role of public libraries in this area has not always been clearly defined. This paper first examines the issue of…
Research in the further education library and learning resources centre sector: the Welsh experience
D. Hywel E. Roberts, J.A. LambIn the context of the publication of a survey commissioned by the Library Association into library and learning resources in further education (FE), the authors identify the key…
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Librarian Career DevelopmentEditor:
- Mr Steve O'Connor