Research in the further education library and learning resources centre sector: the Welsh experience
In the context of the publication of a survey commissioned by the Library Association into library and learning resources in further education (FE), the authors identify the key findings of a series of similar surveys of libraries and learning resource centres in the FE sector in Wales, carried out between 1984 and 1997. The impact of growth in student numbers, changes in funding and management arrangements at national and local levels, and quality assurance mechanisms, is explored. The study also describes the major problems associated with quantitative and qualitative research in this sector, compares the results achieved and identifies areas for future research.
Hywel E. Roberts, D. and Lamb, J.A. (2000), "Research in the further education library and learning resources centre sector: the Welsh experience", Library Management, Vol. 21 No. 9, pp. 491-500.
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