Planning Review: Volume 19 Issue 6

Table of contents

Knowledge workers: The last bastion of competitive advantage

Kathryn Rudie Harrigan, Gaurav Dalmia

Who are your knowledge workers ? Do they know things that you don't?


Southwest Industries: Creating high‐performance teams for high‐technology production

Ron M. Robinson, Sharon L. Oswald, Kerry S. Swinehart, Jeffrey Thomas

To make better use of its human resource assets, this aerospace company embarked on a major reorganization of operations and introduced the concept of autonomous work teams.


Linking compensation to knowledge will pay off in the 1990s

Michael White

Two innovative skill‐based pay systems could better motivate knowledge workers to achieve strategic goals.


Nurturing strategic coherency

Stephanie Newport, Gregory G. Dess, Abdul M.A. Rasheed

Managers need to be sensitized to the undesirable consequences of implementing plans that contain incongruent elements.


U.S. memories: The secrets of successful competitive analysis

Saul J. Berman

Competitor analysis can draw a realistic competitive picture of the present, and use that picture to understand the most likely makeup of the future.




Online date, start – end:

1975 – 1996

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Emerald Publishing Limited