Planning Review: Volume 15 Issue 6

Table of contents

Who should control american business?

Milton Leontiades

Back in 1932 Berle and Means first drew the public's attention to the growing separation between business ownership and control. In large public companies, they pointed out…


New York Radio: Cooperative strategy in a fragmented market

William Copulsky, Shirley H. Baker

Radio broadcasting is a fragmented industry — one in which many of the local stations are small, and stations have little chance to establish a dominant market share. Since there…


Strategy implementation: Competition among supermarkets

John Leslie Livingstone, Douglas J. Tigert

The retail food market has been wracked by traumatic changes for more than a decade. In the 1970s A & P, the largest chain at that time, was well on the way to oblivion until…


Using on‐line information for strategic advantage

James McGrane

For about two decades, the focus of corporate planning has been more on internal information than external information. If planners used electronic data bases at all, they were…


Compact Discs: New tool for competitive analysis

Warren Briggs, James Coleman

An important part of any strategic competitive analysis has always been access to timely and relevant data that can be pruned into useful information. Some new and still rapidly…


Cash flow planning

Mark E. Haskins, Robert D. Higgs, J. Edward Ketz

The results of recent surveys of businesses indicate that cash flow is the single most important problem they face. The business press has noted that “cash‐flow planning is one of…




Online date, start – end:

1975 – 1996

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Emerald Publishing Limited