Planning Review: Volume 9 Issue 3

Table of contents


Thomas H. Naylor

In theory, the annual budget for a company should not be formulated until after the long term strategic plan has been developed, and goals, objectives and business strategies have…


Strategic planning in an uncertain world

Michael P. Sloan

In deciding long‐term investment, Strategy for foreign countries, many companies are led to wonder what “the” future might be. In practice, projects are based on an extrapolation…


The traveling planner south of the border

James K. Brown

In many U.S. firms, strategic planning has evolved from the buzz‐word phase to an integral part of the management process. How fares it elsewhere? And how do foreign executives…


Working in America: A Japanese view

Richard G. Novotny

Japanese multinational corporations have been establishing subsidiaries and joint ventures in the U.S. in increasing numbers. They have used many of their own managers who bring…


An inside view: Analyzing investment strategies

Robert F. Egger, Michael M. Menke

Over the past twenty years, the management of F. Hoffman‐La Roche, a Swiss multinational pharmaceutical and chemical producer, has developed a comprehensive process for the…


The crocodile in the bedroom

Arnold Lobel

A crocodile became increasingly fond of the wallpaper in his bedroom. He stared at it for hours and hours.




Online date, start – end:

1975 – 1996

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Emerald Publishing Limited