Planning Review: Volume 9 Issue 2
Table of contents
Among all the important qualities essential for management, the most fundamental of all is the sunao spirit. Without it, a manager will never succeed in actualizing the company's…
The solar age: Post‐economic challenges
Hazel HendersonHistorically, the disintegration of a culture was gradual, over many generations. But the crises of industrial culture have emerged swiftly, during the past thirty years, due to…
A strategic approach to productivity management
Bradley T. GaleCrushing productivity problems are causing U.S. industries great discomfort. Newspapers and magazines allude to these problems every day. In many industries, hoping to quickly…
There is one assessment
Thomas M. LeahyThere is one assessment of the conditions of the American economy that appears to be nearly unanimous:
Market share: Key to profitability?
Donald L. McLaganConcepts award market share the key position in the determination of competitive profitability. However, the strategic planning concepts of the experience curve, the market…
Overview of planning in Poland
Zbigniew CzajkiewiczPlanning and management of the national economy in Poland is one of the leading factors influencing the country's socio‐economic development. An essential role in the formulation…
Details of economic planning to be settled in the 1980s
Robert LekachmanIt is not astonishing that societies suffer linguistic hangups derived from their national experience. Germans, recalling the horrible inflation of the 1920s, have been sensitive…