Planning Review: Volume 3 Issue 6

Table of contents

Examination of a strategy failure

Melvin E. Salveson

During the 1960s and 70s a large number of corporations focused on rapid growth and diversification. Within a few years, almost all of them experienced severe growing pains when…


Profit planning through acquisition

Parmanand Kumar

Corporations are frequently seeking different methods to increase their earnings per share and diversified acquisition has become a major means for profitability and growth. This…


A possible cure for what's wrong with corporate planning

Roger B. Orloff

Too many corporations doubt that they are getting their money's worth out of planning and too many planners don't feel appreciated. This article will focus on one major problem…


Why has planning failed and what can you do about it?

Malcolm W. Pennington

Everybody talks about formal planning. Everyone reads the literature. And most people agree that the concept is compelling and logical, and that planning is a thoroughly grand and…


The food problems of the world

Michel Fribourg

Almost 30 years ago, I was honorably discharged from the United States Army in a small town “des environs de Paris,” where I had been stationed, by pure coincidence, during the…


Managing corporate strategy to cope with change

Peter P. Gabriel

It is hard to find a reasonably informed person today who is not aware that the rate of change all around us has become not only inconvenient, uncomfortable, disconcerting or…



André van Dam

With 160 nation‐states, ranging from the principality of Abu‐Dhabi to the republic of Zaire, depending upon each other in different ways and to different degrees, it becomes an…


A strategic framework for analyzing product development

Gordon Canning

Product development has proven to be a fundamental tool of strategic planning for corporations recognized as leaders in their fields. These corporations are known for their…




Online date, start – end:

1975 – 1996

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Emerald Publishing Limited