Planning Review: Volume 3 Issue 5

Table of contents

Proposal for a National Policy Assessment and Action Program

George A. Steiner

This article is concerned with four major propositions: 1) The next major thrust in long‐range planning will come in the public sector, and is a thrust long overdue. 2) Over the…


The book of changes: An ancient decision‐making tool

Raymond Van Over

In our last issue Raymond Van Over described some current developments in intuitive decision‐making. In this issue he describes a respected eastern decision‐making tool, the I…


Getting the power to plan

Pamela Shea Cuming, William Bechard

The Need for Power. Corporate planners are charged with defining where the organization should be going and identifying how it might get there. To meet this challenge, the planner…


Forecasting for planning: Qualitative techniques

John C. Chambers, Satinder K. Mullick

In our first two articles, we described the new environment in which we are living, its impact on forecasting and decision‐making, and the importance of being able to identify…


U.S.C.'s center for futures research

Ian Wilson

The year 1971 saw the appearance on the University of Southern California campus of the Center for Futures Research, “dedicated to research into the fundamental causes and…


Linear programming

R.H. Culhan

Planning is preparing for the future. Management science helps planners visualize the future by: Comparing probable outcomes of alternative strategies, Finding a good solution…


Linear programming — What it is

Louis W. Stern

Linear programming is one of the most widely used management science models. Our aim in this paper is to explain the nature, structure, characteristics, and application of linear…


Linear programming— A case example

Wayne Drayer, Steve Seabury

The Operations Research (OR) project described here involved an application of linear programming to help plan a major expansion of the Babcock and Wilcox Tubular Products…




Online date, start – end:

1975 – 1996

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited