Planning Review: Volume 22 Issue 3
Table of contents
Learning from imagining the years ahead
Charles W. ThomasScenario planning has taught a few organizations to be “learning planners.” That is, to identify the crucial uncertainties of the future and learn to formulate robust goals and…
Intentional breakdowns and conflict by design
Richard T. PascaleMany firms have adopted one or more “radical” management remedies in a quest for breakthroughs in performance. But their goal of “discontinuous” improvements usually has an…
A model for changing the way organizations learn
Robert M. FulmerThis article provides a typology of organizational learning styles, examines how organizations really learn, offers a diagnostic managers can use on their own businesses, and…
The Knowledge Factory for accelerated learning practices
Aleda V. Roth, Ann S. Marucheck, Alex Kemp, Dong TrimbleThe Knowledge Factory is a metaphor to describe an accelerated learning organization. World‐class manufacturers are gearing every aspect of their business, from the shop floor to…
The initial reengineering project at Southern California Gas
Charles GoldwasserThis line manager's description of the implementation of the strategic reengineering project he is leading focuses on its startup. Here are his step‐by‐step directions for…