Planning Review: Volume 20 Issue 3

Table of contents

Composing a plot for your scenario

Peter Schwartz

The scenario writer must identify the most powerful forces inside and outside the company, and analyze which plots they fit.


Key lessons for adopting scenario planning in diversified companies

Daniel G. Simpson

The head of planning for a Fortune 500 consumer products company summarizes the lessons managers must master for successful scenario planning in diversified companies.


Teaching decision makers to learn from scenarios: A blueprint for implementation

Ian Wilson

The insights gained from scenarios will be wasted unless companies effectively integrate them into the decision‐making process.


Alternative scenarios for the Defense Industry after 1995

Mark A Boroush, Charles W. Thomas

Scenario building, hand in hand with a careful analysis of your business' driving forces, offers a means of systematically studying the longer term requirements for sustained…


Twelve scenarios for Southern California Edison

Southern California Edison decided to plan for future uncertainties by writing a series of plausible scenarios and preparing flexible responses for each of them.


Los Angeles 2007: Implications of a scenario analysis for energy forecasting

Stephen M. Millett

Using alternative scenarios of possible future conditions, this utility has now developed contingency plans to meet long‐term demand in the most efficient and economical manner.


Integrating scenarios into strategic planning at Royal Dutch/Shell

Paul J.H. Schoemaker, Cornelius A.J.M. van der Heijden

Shell developed a number of new methodologies to make scenario planning more meaningful to line managers. It also took steps to integrate the learning that takes place at the SBU…




Online date, start – end:

1975 – 1996

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Emerald Publishing Limited