Planning Review: Volume 19 Issue 3

Table of contents

Redesigning the organization through information technology

Peter G.W. Keen

The cure for stultifying complexity—redesign the organization so that information and information technology drive simplification.


The business information and analysis function: A new approach to strategic thinking and planning

Stephen M. Millett, Rolf Leppänen

Here's another path of evolution open to corporate planning—transform your department into the business information and analysis (BIA) function.


Making competitive intelligence relevant to the user

André G. Gib, Robert A. Margulies

In October 1984, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the McDonnell Douglas Corporation in St. Louis, Missouri, directed that each of the company's major components…


How information power can improve service quality

Timothy R. Furey

By coupling information technology to a sophisticated statistical system for measuring service quality, companies can discover precisely where their performance needs improvement.


A catalog of commercially available software for strategic planning

Robert J. Mockler

These fourteen software programs can help managers do strategic planning and teach them the consequences of strategic decisions.




Online date, start – end:

1975 – 1996

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited