Planning Review: Volume 18 Issue 6

Table of contents

Time: The next strategic frontier

Paul J. Stonich

In order to build a time‐based organization a firm should: outline a time‐based strategy, assess the feasibility of the strategy, and plan the changes. The implementation stage…


Time‐based management creates a competitive advantage

Daniel Valentino, Bill Christ

When the design and engineering functions in this Midwestern electronics firm learned to cooperate instead of operating independently, the company won the jackpot: a 50 percent…


Problems implementing time‐based management

Robert M. Isenhour

By studying the pitfalls other films encountered in the critical path of designing, developing, and introducing new products, you can learn to streamline your own process.


Planning Speeds Technological Development

P. Ranganath Nayak

An analysis of how speed creates financial incentives and competititve advantage. For example, an Arthur D. Little study found that one automobile firm could potentially reduce…


Commercializing technology: What the best companies do

T. Michael Nevens

Companies that excel at commercialization have learned to treat the process as a top priority, to shrink the time it takes to get new products to market, to leverage core…


Time‐based strategy

Asking hard questions and demanding honest answers about technical performance, cost, and alternative technologies can help prevent big mistakes. Managers at one successful…


How time‐based management measures performance

George Stalk, Thomas M. Hout

Some advice from the leading gurus of time‐based management: Do your time measuring close to the customer. Overall measures, such as lead times on deliveries, are a good place to…


The ivory tower is open for business: The Academy of Management meets in San Francisco

Bernard C. Reimann

For five foggy days last August, over 3,000 management scholars converged on the San Francisco Hilton to hold the fiftieth annual meeting of the Academy of Management. This year's…




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