Planning Review: Volume 16 Issue 5

Table of contents

The search for SIS

N. Venkatraman, Liam Fahey

Information technology and information systems already rate acronyms that are quite portentous— IT and IS. Both are creating remarkable opportunities for some companies, and…


Attack & counterattack: The new game in information technology

Charles Wiseman

A new era of metacompetition is arriving as firms develop the capability to use sophisticated information technology for strategic purposes. This means that the corporate…


A strategic information system: Mckesson Drug Company's Economost

Eric K. Clemons, Michael Row

McKesson Drug Company's Economost— an electronic order entry system for wholesale drug distribution—is among the most widely cited examples of successful strategic information…


Barriers to successful strategic information systems

Chris F. Kemerer, Glenn L. Sosa

A number of articles proposing the strategic use of information technology (IT)—often referred to as “strategic information systems” (SIS)—have appeared over the past few years…


Michael Porter in Disneyland: Information and competitive advantage

Bernard C. Reimann

The Academy of Management held its 1988 annual convention at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, California, August 5–11. The setting was highly appropriate, since some of the topics…


Information technology and corporate strategy

Michael S. Scott Morton

There is no question that the new Information Technologies (IT) are having a major impact on the range of strategic options open to an organization. IT is not only creating an…


Hardware distributor's strategic information system

Sid L. Huff

“There are all sorts of helpful services we can provide to our customers, if only they'll take them,” said Kingsley Allaster, Vice President, Finance for D. H. Howden & Co. Ltd.…


The changing role of the Chief Information Officer

Jacque H. Passino, Dennis G. Severance

Two large sample surveys of chief information officers (CIOs) were sponsored by Arthur Andersen & Co. in the last three years to analyze the market served by its consulting…




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