Planning Review: Volume 16 Issue 2

Table of contents

Business strategies that create wealth

Bradley T. Gale, Donald J. Swire

Over the past 20 years it has become increasingly clear that sound business strategy is the key to good financial performance. Senior managers in diversified companies have long…


The tricky business of measuring wealth

Bradley T. Gale, Donald J. Swire

An ancient management axiom holds that, “If it ain't measured, it ain't managed.” A more topical management axiom says, “The mission of business is to manage for increased…


Linking product‐market analysis and shareholder value

Liam Fahey

Perhaps no other individual has written as extensively on value‐based planning as Alfred Rappaport. He is Leonard Spacek Professor of Accounting and Information Systems at…


Decision support software for value‐based planning

Bernard C. Reimann

You'd like to give value‐based planning a try but have been dragging your feet because you're put off by its intricacy? Or, you worry about how you can get your managers to become…


Managing today's stock price

Charles G. Callard

Today's CEOs are appropriately skeptical of estimates provided by the firm's staff and outside consultants about the results alternative policy recommendations will have on the…


Using shareholder value to design business‐unit manager incentive plans

Charles H. Zent

As more and more companies adopt a shareholder value analysis system to evaluate their business‐unit plans, there is a growing interest in using this approach to measure…




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1975 – 1996

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