Planning Review: Volume 15 Issue 4
Table of contents
Inquest for International Harvester
Norman GrossLet me start out by describing my relationship with International Harvester—so my biases will be clear. In 1972, I directed a review of the business planning procedures at…
Exxon'S “Office of the Future” FIASCO
Robert M. DonnellyI am assuming Exxon had a plan when it decided to diversify into the “Office of the Future.” I fear, although all of my research has yet to prove it, that the concept of venturing…
A line manager's handy guide to profit‐oriented financial planning and accounting techniques
Michael D. EverettAs a line manager immersed in the details of a specific product line or process, you may find yourself thrust into a planning role and asked to make strategic decisions…
Replacing management's crystal ball with a spreadsheet program
Ann P. Janosko, Oscar W. JensenAs soon as the words “planning” and “control” are mentioned, the word “forecasting” is sure to follow. Next come several important questions: Should forecasting be the special…
Mission statements
Russel L. AckoffMost corporate mission statements are worthless. They consist largely of pious platitudes such as: “We will hold ourselves to the highest standards of professionalism and ethical…
Organizational philosophy and mission statements
Lloyd L. Byars, Thomas C. NeilStrategic planning is concerned with defining an organization's philosophy and mission, establishing long‐ and short‐range objectives to achieve that mission, and selecting the…
Combining strategies pays off fast, even in turbulent markets
Claudia Bird SchoonhovenIs strategic decision making practiced by fast‐changing U.S. high‐technology corporations? If it is, what impact is it having on financial performance? These research‐intensive…